Hi there!

Nice to see you on this corner of the internet.

I’m a wedding and senior photographer. Not sure how those two things work together, but they have my heart. I have been photographing these insanely sentimental moments for nearly 5 whole years now! People say we have to find our niche & I just dont believe that. You can be great at more than one thing in this life time!

I’m 26, a mama, wife, photographer and terrible charcuterie board chef.

Bet You Didn't Know...

  • Chickens are my favorite animals. I have had backyard hens for while & don’t plan on getting rid of them any time soon
  • I wanted 4 children but I have settled for one. My sons name is Allen & we think he is pretty dang cute
  • I’m and enneagram 8, which means I’m your go-to-girl on your wedding day to make sure ALL things go your way.
  • I kept two dwarf goats as pets in a neighborhood – Matt made us get rid of them when we found out we were expecting our 1st baby
  • Michael Scott. That is all. 
  • Harry Potter marathons are encouraged at my house ALONG with Jurassic Park Marathons.